Mimi’s Backyard Adventures: (I am Mimi, by the way).
We mowed the backyard this evening. I had noticed this flat area but didn’t think too much about it. We had moved pots around, and I just thought we had left one sit for too long. As Mr. Man edged the mower toward it...one little rabbit poked its head out...then another, then another. I had the fun job of rounding them all (7 in total) up. Three of them took a header off the retaining wall, but they seem no worse for wear. I put them in an empty pot while Mr. Man finished mowing, then we put them back...so far, so good! (March 2018)

Evidence shows the patch of grass they are eating grew a little larger. As we prepared for the retaining wall demo, Mr. Man and I were moving garden pots (again) today. Found this first little guy behind one of the pots. Scooped him up and put him back in the burrow (whether that was where the bunny wanted to be was not relevant, the bunny was in the open, and the last thing I wanted was for a hawk to scoop down and score a meal all because we left the bunny in the open). The last set of pots moved, uncovered two more-hiding. Again, back to the burrow. As Mr. Man put the yard cart back in its spot, I spied another—he was hidden well, and probably trying to capture him would have been difficult, so I left him. Four out of the seven are still in the yard.
Mimi's Backyard Adventure:(April 2018)
Found this little creature (pics) on my patio this morning. Later that day caught him/her digging a hole under a rock in my flower garden. He/she made quite a mess but being the good tenant shoved the dirt back in the hole.
Also in April 2018
Bewick (pronounced as Buick) Wrens nesting in the bluebird house in our backyard. (No pictures of them.) Two weeks later, eggs hatched. UPDATE (May 31, 2018): The wrens left the beginning of May, but saw a Bewick this morning checking out the adobe birdhouse. May have another batch of chicks soon.

I have 4 Black Swallowtail caterpillars on the curly parsley in my planter garden. The pictures only show 3, but when I checked on them this morning, I found another one.
Not sure if they will still be around by this weekend. The caterpillars look big enough to start their search for a place to cocoon. However, if they are still feeding on the parsley come Saturday, I will have my butterfly habitat set up to bring them inside to cocoon away from the wasps or any other creature (mostly blue jays, as they seemed to be in abundance in our yard) wanting to make a tasty meal out of them.